I just used this Character Report Card with my sophomores for the first time today, and it went fairly well. The report card is adapted from one used at KIPP Academy. I had students fill it out on their own for homework, and then come in for 5 minute discussions with me. In the discussions, I asked them two questions:
1) On which 2 behaviors would they most like to demonstrate improvement?
2) Which 1 behavior that they consistently demonstrate are they most proud?
I would at some point like to fill a full report card out for every kid, but since this is new, and it is new to them to be "evaluated" on some of these traits, I thought it best to start slowly. Some kids were a little tentative, but most were pretty thoughtful about the process. Some conversations stuck specifically to behaviors in class, and others ranged into other classes or into their non-academic lives. The plan is to do it again in a few months, asking the same 2 questions (but requiring different answers) and adding a third that is tailored to their original answer about where they would most like to show improvement. The other change I will make will be to schedule 10 minute meetings instead of 5, as most of the conversations were pretty good, but got cut short by time.
I had my advisees fill out a similar checklist, and hope to go through a more in depth process with them.
Overall, a good use of time I thought. If you'd like a .pdf of the document just let me know, and I can send it to you. A. Sykes
World History/Western Civ (Sykes) 2012-2013
Character / Class Approach Checklist
Below are 7 character traits and 20 behaviors that tend to reflect good character. They have been adapted from the KIPP Character Report Card.
Rarely (1) Sometimes (2) Often (3)
1. Actively participates 1 2 3
2. Shows enthusiasm 1 2 3
3. Finishes whatever he or she begins 1 2 3
4. Tries very hard even after experiencing failure 1 2 3
5. Accepts criticism and feedback with positive attitude 1 2 3
Self Control – School Work
6. Comes to class prepared 1 2 3
7. Pays attention and resists distractions 1 2 3
8. Remembers and follows directions 1 2 3
9. Gets to work right away rather than procrastinating 1 2 3
Self Control – Interpersonal
10. Allows others to speak without interruption 1 2 3
11. Is polite to adults and peers 1 2 3
12. Gets over frustrations and setbacks quickly 1 2 3
13. Believes that effort will improve his or her results 1 2 3
14. Makes comments that address others’ ideas 1 2 3
15. Is able to find solutions during conflicts with others 1 2 3
16. Knows when and how to include others 1 2 3
17. Is eager to explore new things 1 2 3
18. Asks and answers questions to deepen understanding 1 2 3
19. Actively listens to others 1 2 3
20. Recognizes and shows appreciation for others 1 2 3
World History/Western Civ (Sykes) 2012-2013
Character / Class Approach Checklist
Below are 7 character traits and 20 behaviors that tend to reflect good character. They have been adapted from the KIPP Character Report Card.
Rarely (1) Sometimes (2) Often (3)
1. Actively participates 1 2 3
2. Shows enthusiasm 1 2 3
3. Finishes whatever he or she begins 1 2 3
4. Tries very hard even after experiencing failure 1 2 3
5. Accepts criticism and feedback with positive attitude 1 2 3
Self Control – School Work
6. Comes to class prepared 1 2 3
7. Pays attention and resists distractions 1 2 3
8. Remembers and follows directions 1 2 3
9. Gets to work right away rather than procrastinating 1 2 3
Self Control – Interpersonal
10. Allows others to speak without interruption 1 2 3
11. Is polite to adults and peers 1 2 3
12. Gets over frustrations and setbacks quickly 1 2 3
13. Believes that effort will improve his or her results 1 2 3
14. Makes comments that address others’ ideas 1 2 3
15. Is able to find solutions during conflicts with others 1 2 3
16. Knows when and how to include others 1 2 3
17. Is eager to explore new things 1 2 3
18. Asks and answers questions to deepen understanding 1 2 3
19. Actively listens to others 1 2 3
20. Recognizes and shows appreciation for others 1 2 3
Very nice and similar to the leadership conferences I run at camp in the summer.