Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Gender and Education

Given the conversation about gender that took place at last week's Monitors' Meeting, I found this particular Opinionator entry of real interest:

I do believe it is appropriate for us to re-engage the conversation about gender at Blair. The distribution in upper-class effort marks is a good outward indicator of gendered approaches to education and community.  How can we get a dialogue on this issue going with our student body?  Do we prime our students with how we frame the conversation?  How do the great all-boys schools deal with this issue?  Can we look at programmatic approaches to improving male achievement?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this piece. . . it is so interesting (especially as a mother to both genders). I hope that we will continue to engage in a dialogue about gender at Blair. As the reader comments following the piece suggest -- there is no easy answer and many opinions. We are discussing gender in my class this week, and I will ask my students to read the article...
