Tuesday, December 4, 2012


More Concussion Research

This Science Times article reminds us to keep an eye on the building research that connects repetitive and routine head trauma to enduring and debilitating brain injury/disease.  The study described is a version of a Case-Control epidemiological study, though virtually all data was collected from cases (those with signs of disease, in this case CTE).  To further show evidence of this causative exposure-disease relationship, researchers must find ways to compare data from controls as well as rule out other explanations.



  1. All of this research makes me wonder how many guys I played football/lacrosse with in youth, high school, & college suffered concussions that were not diagnosed. I can remember kids throwing up on the sideline in Vince Lombardi football and going back into the game - also makes me wonder if I had any. Luckily, this is issue is finally on the radar and being studied properly.

    Here's an interesting piece from Grantland: http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/7559458/cte-concussion-crisis-economic-look-end-football

  2. Another commentary from Nocera: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/15/opinion/should-kids-play-football.html?hp&_r=0
