Monday, November 25, 2013

The Perseverance Process

The Search Institute's Webinar series on improving grit in academic situations is available online through their archives. The next live webinar (free!) is on December 3rd at 1:00 Eastern time covering Student Support Cards to bolster perseverance, but the webinar archive can be accessed at your convenience here:
Perseverance webinar Archive.
The Search Institute provides resources for parents and teachers looking to maximize student outcomes and relies on the research of Carol Dwek.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Classroom Equality Plus Service Leadership?

I started my teaching and coaching career as a capital L Leader, with very clear ideas on how things should be done and who should do them.  Maybe that was a result of the challenges in Detroit- crazy public schools plus an equally crazy boat club for a total of eight or nine hours a day of weird.

But, this year I've made a few resolutions.  One is that I will do my best never to reword a student's statement in class.  Another is that I am trying never to tell a student he or she is wrong, but find a way for that realization to happen independently.

I stumbled across this NPR blog entry on Facebook this morning (NPR's blog is the absolute best about Facebook by the way).  It details a student run classroom, similar to but different than Harkness.  It's very thought-provoking:

Subverting the System: Student and Teacher as Equals

Combine that with Greenleaf's classic The Servant as Leader and you have a fundamentally different kind of education.

The Servant as Leader

Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Commentary on Plagiarism

I heard this commentary Tuesday on NPR.  Geoff Nunnberg is a linguist @ UC Berkely and had some interesting points on the recent charges of plagiarism that have been swirling around DC lately.  I'm not sure where I stand on honor versus literary etiquette, but I'm thinking.
Of course, it may well be a commentary on freedom, given Paul's political leanings...
Even taken together, the charges didn't seem to amount to that big a deal - just a matter of quoting a few factual statements and a Wikipedia passage without attributing them. But as Rand Paul discovered, the word plagiarism can still rouse people to steaming indignation. Samuel Johnson called plagiarism the most atrocious of literary crimes and, actually, the word itself began as the name of a real crime.
In Roman law, a plagiarius was someone who abducted a child or a slave - it's from "plaga," the Latin word for a net or a snare. That connection was first drawn by the first century poet Martial, who accused a rival he called Fidentius of stealing his works in order to garner undeserved praise. Martial compared Fidentius to a man who wears a toupee and others have depicted the plagiarist as somebody who shines in stolen plumes.
The offense can be quite straightforward. Joe Biden was forced to withdraw from the 1988 Democratic presidential primary when he was caught lifting autobiographical passages from the speeches of the British Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock. That was classic plagiarism; Biden wasn't just helping himself to Kinnock's literary children, but to Kinnock's childhood as well.
But in the higher precincts of cultural criticism, plagiarism has come to seem more cloudy and complicated than it once did, as it jostles with imitation, homage, allusion and postmodern appropriation. And technology has compounded the possibilities - so much stuff out there to repurpose, so many new ways to adapt and transform it.
What do we say when A Tribe Called Quest samples the guitar licks from "A Walk on the Wild Side?" Is it the same as Rossini working Mozart motifs into "The Barber of Seville," or is it something wholly new? But nuances and complexities are set aside when it comes to pedestrian forms of expression like term papers, news reports and political speeches, where plagiarism is greatly simplified.
Technology has played a role here, too. It may have made plagiarism easier to execute but it has also made it easier to detect. Time was when spotting literary pilferage could take some serious detective work in the library stacks. Now you just dump a passage into a search engine and run it against everything that's out there. Or you can just let some software do it for you the way some universities do.
Along the way, the practical definition of plagiarism has become more cut-and-dried than ever before. It doesn't matter what you copy or where you take it from, or whether it was deliberate or accidental. Not long ago, Time magazine's Fareed Zakaria and Fox News' Juan Williams were both obliged to apologize profusely when they published columns with unattributed passages copied word-for-word from other sources.
It made no difference that the passages in question were just bald factual recitals or that the copying was almost certainly inadvertent, most likely the work of a research assistant. Cut and paste, you'll be disgraced. And now Rand Paul is being pilloried for a couple of similar offenses, particularly for a speech in which he quoted verbatim the Wikipedia plot synopsis of the 1997 movie "Gattaca" without attributing it.
That doesn't seem quite as grave an offense as the literary larcenies of Joe Biden. Wikipedia isn't an individual author, just an anonymous collective project. And its prose has all the beauty of a pile of scrap lumber. Paul could hardly be accused of trying to shine in stolen plumage. Still, by modern definitions of plagiarism, Paul clearly crossed the line.
If you're going to use a Wikipedia synopsis, you should run it through a Mixmaster to the point where nobody could Google it up and see where you got it from. But considering the nature of offense, the condemnations were pretty severe. Theft is theft, people said, echoing Martial's vilifications of Fidentius. A journalism professor from Paul's alma mater Baylor announced that if it had happened in one of his classes, he would have failed the student and asked the university to investigate a possible honor code violation.
I'd just soon leave honor out of it. These aren't like those classic cases of literary theft; they're just infractions of the conventions we're bound to adhere to. But that doesn't make them trivial, as Paul implied when he said he was being hounded by the footnote police. Whether the copying itself was the work of Paul or of a staffer, he has to take personal responsibility for the cluelessness of that response.
The rules for quoting and attributing can seem arbitrary at times, with little connection to the respect for intellectual property that originally motivated them. You could think of them just as a kind of literary etiquette. But etiquette is just what comes of reducing moral principles to the explicit codes of conduct that govern our civil life.
Paul may not have been guilty of dishonesty, just cavalier disrespect for the rules. You don't put on the feathers of another, not even the drab ones that you find lying around on the ground.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

PDC Webinar Carol Dwek: Changing Mindsets, Motivating Students

Webinar: Carol Dwek—Changing Mindsets, Motivating Students (November 5, 2013)
Carol Dwek presents her research concerning fixed mindsets (belief that people are born with a level of “smarts”) and growth mindsets (belief that the harder you work, the smarter you become) in students. She discusses how these two frames of mind are developed and how to encourage students to adopt a growth mindset. Why do many talented kids seem to “hit the wall” while those who appeared much less capable early on pass them by? How can praise be a bad thing? The Q and A gives practical ideas for encouraging a growth mindset.
This webinar can be accessed on demand for the next four months here: ARCHIVE

The email address is STONER@BLAIR.EDU and the password is webinar.