Monday, November 12, 2012

Arthur Levine on Millennials & the Digital Native Generation

An interesting summary of Levine's impressions of the Millennial/Digital Native generation.  As boarding school faculty, we are fortunate to be in a position where we can make strides re: this generation's ability to communicate face-face, to learn from failure and to take ownership of their decisions 


  1. ...And we are in a prime position to consider how technology can actually facilitate those face-to-face communications.

    1. The NYTs also had an interesting article on what people did with the power out - anecdotal and wide ranging, but interesting - I could go two weeks without talking to parents when I was at school, or longer. Also, kids tend to be social media savvy, but not very savvy or skilled in using many other tools that we want them to: databases, word documents etc.
