Thursday, November 15, 2012

'Old School' Skills Matter

Some "old school" skills worth teaching:
This Time article shows the continuing value of some "old school" skills and why students still need them. Using word roots and basic math facts are keys to higher skills in language and mathematics. Listening to skilled reading aloud appeals to students of all ages.


  1. I give this article to my kids when I cover Cornell Notes in the beginning of the year:

  2. And this echoes the importance of memorization as noted in any number of articles and books in recent years... basic skills that expand the neural connections and thus pave the way for additional learning.

  3. Interesting that our three-year-old loves repetition. He wants the same stories over and over, notices if we skip a page, and can insert words we leave out. Also, my best soccer players, over the years, love the repetition of simple warm up (technique) drills. They come to recognize that mastery of skills spawns creativity under pressure.
